#1 Advertising Agency

Help Local Businesses Get 80-100 New Customers per month! Using Paid Advertising.

A dedicated team of specialists, delivering remarkable work to our clients worldwide!

Are You 🤯Struggling to Get New Customers for Your Business?

Stuck... Not Getting Anywhere

...even after you've tried

everything you could

Unable To find
New Leads

...who would be willing to pay

for your service

More and More

...with new businesses setup in

your area


"Advertising that works from day 1"

What we do is very simple:

We first study your audience to deeply understand their interests, behaviours, motivators and emotional drivers.

Based on this data we work on your messaging by coming up with the best angles and hooks to use on your advertising campaigns.

We then find the best interests and keywords to target on Facebook and Google in order to reach your exact target audience.

Once that's done, we launch your advertising campaign with said assets and deploy our proprietary campaign strategy to ensure you get the best result out of every dollar that you invest.









What we offer

Paid Advertising

Ads, Just Ads.

We do one thing - we just do it with a monastic focus and better than anyone else. If you want an agency that offers a full service solution of everything that won’t move the needle forward, we’re not for you.

If you want an agency where with two clicks, you can get a clear breakdown of how much was spent, how much was made & what your net profit was - we’re for you.

Mastery Demands Focus So...

We don't offer any other services except for paid advertising...

  • Web Design

  • Content Creation

  • Email Marketing

  • ​Social Media Management

  • ​Instagram Growth

  • ​PR Service

The Power Of Facebook Advertising:

$170.30 BILLION

Total Advertising Revenue In 2024

3.2 Billion Active Users

3.2 Billion Active Users

3.2 Billion Active Users


Client Reviews

Read what our past clients have to say about our Service.

Rosalie Jacobi

"This course had a profound impact on my podcasting abilities, leading to a significant transformation in the quality of my content. I found that the course not only improved my technical skills, but also helped me to develop a deeper understanding of storytelling and audience engagement, resulting in a more compelling and impactful podcast."

Gurpreet Singh

"I highly recommend this comprehensive and engaging course to anyone interested in learning the art of podcasting. It covers a wide range of topics, including recording techniques, editing skills, and effective storytelling methods. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience in podcasting, this course offers valuable insights that will help you elevate your podcasting skills to the next level."

Kimberly Hand

"I gained invaluable insights and practical tips from the engaging and well-structured course, which have proven to be incredibly beneficial in enhancing both my personal growth and professional development. The knowledge and skills I acquired have positively impacted my decision-making process and have equipped me to tackle challenges with confidence and competence."



Meet The Founder

Founded by Subhajit Baidya who's spent the past 5 years helped so many clients & attracting the best talent globally. and Won multiple Business Awards🏆.

With our elusive company culture, and run multiple software company. help businesses scale their business 10X More Every Month. The team you see in front of you is a culmination of that.

- Subhajit Baidya


Free 15-Minute Demo Call

By the end of this Audit call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results online with Funnels & Paid Advertising.

Find a time on Name’s calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!


Businesses looking to convert their current website into a high quality & streamlined funnel format.

Businesses looking to take their offline business online

Businesses looking to understand their increased revenue potential with funnels & conversion rate optimization.

​Businesses looking to maximize their conversion rates & average order value.

Businesses looking for a reliable agency that can
generate High-quality leads per days for their company.

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